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Do Arborvitae Thuja Cedar A Good Christmas Tree?

The most popular Christmas tree choice is Frasier Fir. Some other choices although more expensive include Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Eastern White Pine.

Trees grown for Christmas trees are sheared to be a thick dense tree in order to accommodate decorations to be hanged on the tree.

 Thuja Arborvitae Cedar and even Cypress can work as a Christmas tree, although they are not the conventional choice for Christmas trees. With pruning they can have a perfect Christmas tree shape and do produce the ‘Pine tree’ smell after cutting. They do hold onto their needles for several weeks after cutting.


Newly planted Green Giant Arborvitae Thuja Cedar behind a ballet school in Kentucky

Newly planted Green Giant Arborvitae Thuja Cedar behind a ballet school in Kentucky






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