Fast Growing Evergreen Spacing forPrivacy Hedge

Green Victory Garden Boys - Our Version of the American Dream



We are nursery people, we grow our trees on what used to be a corn field near Natural Bridge, Kentucky and deliver and sell them just about anywhere in the Midwest.

Most days at the end of the day we are covered by the least glamorous fluids of nature, beat up by the weather and the weight of the trees.

In the off season instead of focusing on fun, we focus on taking care of our equipment which is a surprisingly big part of our business.

The money we earn from our trees is good, but nothing to brag about. As a matter of fact, from a strictly financial point of view all this may not even really make sense.

Why do we keep on pushing forward?

Our business is not about money, although results are still important to keep score and pay our bills.

In the farming business and at least for the older guys like me, wealth is often defined by how many of our sons chose to stay home and work with us. This is true even on the odd days when we settle arguments the old fashioned way or near the end of a 70 hour push because something time sensitive had to get done.

Our American Dream is family, family business and farming.



Danny & Attila Komjathy, 2022, Dry Ridge, KY. Accountant & engineer farm hands and business partners

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