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Is Spring Tree Planting Ideal For Green Giant Arborvitae Thuja Privacy Trees?

Spring is an excellent time to plant various Arborvitae Thujas, such as Green Giants and American Pillar and Cypress, such as Murray and Leyland.

Advantages of Spring Tree Planting:

  • Arborvitae are green year round, but they are full of life sustaining hormones in the Spring.
  • Cooler temperatures, long nights, short days, higher levels of precipitations reduce stress on newly planted trees.

Disadvantages of Spring planting:

  • Life gets busy for most of us around Memorial Day and after with the warmer weather and watering trees can get pushed on the back burner.
  • Weather volatility can be great in the Spring: low lying areas can get water locked for weeks while dry spells are still possible.


Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuja planted in Spring 2023 in Kentucky, not a recommended but commercially still important Arborvitae variety

Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuja planted in Spring 2023 in Kentucky, not a recommended but commercially still important Arborvitae variety


For more information:


Shop our store for Green Giant / American Pillar Arborvitae and Murray / Leyland Cypress: