Yews For Privacy Hedge
While 80% of the trees we grow and sell are the Green Giant Arborvitae as it is fast growing and beautiful.
Another option, often seen especially on older properties are Yews. It is a privacy solution which fits our visual expectations of older American and English properties.
They are hardy, cold and disease tolerant, however they grow only about 24” a year and need to be pruned to shape every couple of years or so.
In the pic below these are managed to about 9’ height by 9’ width. It is an excellent choice to provide privacy from a busy 4 lane road.
The height and the width of the hedge sends a clear message of private property and an owner who has a preference for privacy. Violating the owners expectations could be a problem, use caution, probably not a low hanging fruit.

A giant 100 Year old Oak in the middle of the yards which seems to be sensible as the home looks about 100+ years old. The age of these Yews is difficult to determine, but they are at least 50 years old.