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In What USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Is It Safe to Plant Green Giant Arborvitae?

Green Giant Arborvitae will flourish between Northern Florida to Milwaukee to Boston and Toronto Canada in USDA Zones 5-8. It is by far the most popular privacy tree in the Midwest.


It can do well in zones as warm as Zone 9, but rarely seen much South of the Florida Panhandle. This is because the foliage of the plant would rot in extreme heat and humidity.


We have limited experience in areas of the Midwest colder than Zone 5, but assume that the plant guidance is correct and it would do poorly on Zones 4 and colder. Most likely water intake would be impossible where the ground freezes hard deeper than 12” for several months.


 In What USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Is It Safe to Plant Green Giant Arborvitae?


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