Eastern Red Cedar a Good Privacy Tree?
Eastern Red Cedars grow native around much of the Midwest. They are an important ancestor of the Green Giant Arborvitae.
Just like the Green Giant Arborvitae, they are also deer resistant and turn more golden colored than most other evergreens in the Winter and love the Midwest growing conditions.
However, before anybody starts digging up Eastern Red Cedar on the side of the road, it is important to note that they are not ornamental trees and lack many of the desirable characteristics we like in the Green Giant Arborvitae. They are slow growing, lack uniform shape and not particularly pretty
Green Giants became the most popular evergreens for Midwest homeowners as they are fast growing, uniform shaped, deer and disease resistant and cold hardy.
For more information:
Shop our store for Green Giant Arborvitae / White Pine and Murray / Leyland Cypress: