Is Fall Tree Planting Ideal For Green Giant Arborvitae Thuja Privacy Trees?
The intent of tree planting is to create a low stress environment for trees when we remove them from our nursery environment and place them into their new permanent location where they will prosper.
Fall is an excellent time to plant various Arborvitae Thujas, such as Green Giants and American Pillar and Cypress, such as Murray and Leyland.
Advantages of Fall Tree Planting:
- Cooler temperatures means slower metabolic rate, less stress.
- Longer nights and shorter days also mean less stress and longer recovery period at night (longer period for water absorption).
- Higher humidity is good for plant growth as it softens the tips of the tissue where the tree branches are expanding.
- Less pest pressure with the cooler temperatures, although this is mostly not an issue with Arborvitae and Cypress.
- Trees will have the time to settle in and root and assume their full growth rate potential in the Spring.
- Most gardeners like to put a checkmark next to their ‘to do list’ before the Winter and consider the satisfaction of looking out in their yard on a cold morning.
We try our best to remove the stress from buying and planting privacy trees by offering fair prices, good quality and doing a nice job. Apart from pursuing our business as nurserymen, we value gardening for its positive mental health impact in our lives: “Believe in Tomorrow, Plant Today’.
Cypress planted a year ago. It is OK and may even be normal to inspect your trees daily and tell them that you love them.
For more information:
Shop our store for Green Giant / American Pillar Arborvitae and Murray / Leyland Cypress: